Tōtara Industry Pilot summary Brochure
November 2020
Tōtara Industry Pilot project, Final summary report
Elizabeth Dunningham, Greg Steward, Paul Quinlan, Dejan Firm, Doug Gaunt,
Steve Riley, John Lee, Andrew, Dunningham, Ramona Radford, August 2020
Totara industry pilot project: A fresh look at a familiar Northland species.
Greg Steward and Paul Quinlan/NZ Tree Growers, November 2019
To the heart of the matter - heartwood content in tōtara.
Steward, GA (2019)/New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 64 (2) (August 2019)
Our thanks to the New Zealand Journal of Forestry
for making these publications available on our website.
Indigenous plantations - implications for wood quality.
Steward, GA, & McKinley, RB (2019)/New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 64 (2) (August 2019)
Our thanks to the New Zealand Journal of Forestry
for making these publications available on our website.
Sustainable totara management and biodiversity conservation in Northland.
Young, LM and Norton, DA (2017)/New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 62 (2):23–25
Our thanks to the New Zealand Journal of Forestry
for making these publications available on our website.
TTT handbook articles on managing farm-tōtara
TTT Tōtara and Riparian Management one
TIP newsletter (February 2019)