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The TIP project is led by a group of people who are working together with a common focus; to make sustainable management of tōtara forests on private land a viable land use option for the many benefits it could bring to the Northland region and beyond.

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Scion’s role is to enable new technologies and industries for New Zealand’s benefit, by providing scientific and technical input, and project management.

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A charitable trust promoting research into the planting and management of native trees for multiple purposes and convenor of the Northland Tōtara Working Group.

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Taitokerau Māori Forests Inc provides the Māori collective of entities with a ‘one door’ indigenous kaupapa to ensure coordinated planning, implementation and interaction with key stakeholders.

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NRC supports the TIP project through its Project Development Fund. The Council’s mission is to work together to create a healthy environment, strong economy and resilient communities.

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Te Uru Rākau, within the Ministry for Primary Industries, builds and supports a sustainable innovative forestry sector through initiatives like the One Billion Trees Programme.

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Northland Inc is the Regional Economic Development Agency and Regional Tourism Organisation for Northland. Its mission is to strengthen, diversify and grow the Northland economy.

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MBIE supports this initiative through PreSeed, which accelerates early stage technology commercialisation activities to maximise the benefits to New Zealand from publicly funded research.

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